The partners in MÖAB, a Grundtvig Learning Partnership, will discuss and deal with the following questions: How can people with low basic skills be addressed? How can they be motivated to learning? Which counselling concepts have proven to be successful?
Experiences and good practice of public relations, advertisement of basic skills provisions, addressing of learners, confidantes, and multipliers are to be presented and shared. National, regional, or local conditions are taken into consideration to facilitate effective transfer of good practice. The partnership does not only involve experts in the field of basic skills provision, the viability of concepts and products presented will also be evaluated by learners who will take part in the meetings.
Duration: 08/2010–07/2012
> Bundesverband Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung e.V., Co-ordination, Münster, GE
> Stichting ABC, belangenbehartiging Alfabetisering, Tiburg, NL
> VUC Sønderjylland, Haderslev, DK
> inspire – Verein für Bildung und Management, Graz, AT
Contact: inspire